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Princes Gown with hat

 Princes Gown with hat

Simple 2 Shade Cloth Princes Gown Design  

Sketch design 
Do you sometimes feel like wearing or dressing such dresses, then you can be sure that you have a better artwork 
design for you. If you give up to the fashion, then it may be a better suggestion for you. If such a design is available
 to you in the market then it is very good, but if you do not get it then there is no need to worry.

 For this, you have to take 2 types of silk cloth from the market, which will be a light and will remain a dark one. 
By combining both cloth, you can arrange your fitting with any tailor near you. 
You can go through the design of  this manner by wearing it on  the party or on some fun, etc. and you will 
realize that you are looking for a princess.One thing, and if one becomes a Beautiful hat with it, then your
 beauty will be four.
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Red Shade

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